

Sautter, the world renowned London Cigar store, was founded over 50 years ago in the heart of fashionable Mayfair.

Sautter has earned an enviable reputation in the world of cigars for aged and vintage Cuban cigars which makes it a magnet for lovers of exceptional cigars.

Now the company has opened a new store in the heart of Knightsbridge. This contemporary Sautter affords customers luxurious extra space to sit, sample fine cigars, and discuss their love of Cuba’s finest export.

The experienced and highly-trained Sautter team understand what makes aged and vintage Cuban cigars so special.

Sautter was founded in 1961 by the late Desmond Sautter. As Sautter’s business expanded, he bought the compact cigar store in Mount Street. The store focussed on Cuban cigars due to the large number of American customers heading across the road from the Connaught Hotel in search of the Holy Grail of Cuban cigars.

Desmond collected pre-Castro cigars – anything produced before 1958. At the time he was the only person interested in vintage cigars. Sautter loved all aspects of these great old cigars, the distinctive bands and all the old sizes. In time he became the person who everyone went to with their old cigars. The oldest cigar Desmond ever found was from 1855. The business in vintage cigars grew as collectors from all over the world started to become interested and beat a path to Sautter and Mount Street as they still do today.

When Desmond retired, cigar connoisseur, Laurence Davis took over the store. Laurence has retained Sautter’s rightful place as one of the top cigar specialist stores in the world. Now Sautter offers its customers two London stores; perfectly selected and stored Cuban cigars; and a wealth of information in the form of regular newsletters; cigar training and trips to Cuba.

“Desmond really taught me that it is not just about which cigars have just arrived, it’s about what has been aged; how they are kept, and how you enjoy them.”

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Laurence’s passion for the business has grown as he has become more experienced: “I have a love for the cigar business but also for the sticks themselves” he says.

Sautter stores both have walk-in humidors holding a wide range of Cuban cigars in singles and boxes all maintained in perfect condition. Customers will also find a wide range of cigar accessories and humidors.

It is clear that with passion, knowledge and experience in vintage Cuban cigars, the Sautter name is destined to become ever more popular with the cigar smokers of London, and those visiting from further afield in search of something special.

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