Batten Down The Hatches
Batten Down The Hatches
Batten Down The Hatches

Batten Down The Hatches

THIS is going to be a long one.

Buckle up, batten down the hatches, bury grudges, make friends – our friend Covid 19 is here to stay, like an unwanted mother in law at Christmas. Bah Humbug.

It’s not to be taken lightly, but nor should it be allowed to run roughshod over the mental and physical capabilities of those not affected. We are made of sterner stuff.

While the streets empty and people retreat into their shells, it’s important that we maintain as much contact with each other as we can, if not strictly physical. Isolation has long been recognised as a torture technique.

Look to your neighbours and friends to see how you can help. Pop a note through the doors of elderly locals to make sure they’re okay. And join us in a virtual smoke up.

If our forebears could make their way through the Blitz, we sure as hell should be able to navigate a few weeks of peace and relative luxury at home. To this end, Sautter intends to try and help alleviate any boredom that might set in…

If technology, the dreaded lurgy and instructions from our mighty leaders permit, we intend to lead a worldwide puff out in defiance of the bugs. Keep a close watch on Sautter social media and website for details of how you can join us, and fellow cigar lovers from around the world, at a time hopefully as conveniently as possible for everyone, for an online smoke.

We’ll be firing up something – and urging you to do the same – and simply sharing time with each other, wherever we may be. And isn’t that the most precious thing we have anyway?

Funny how it takes days like these to remind us…

We are also powering through the filming, editing and production of hours of Sautter review videos, which we know many of you enjoy. While you are stuck indoors and may have more than usual spare time on your hands, we’re working hard to make sure you have something to take your mind off the doom and gloom.

At the time of writing, our Mount Street store is still open for business and happy to fulfil pick-up and delivery orders. While Royal Mail remains afloat, we shall keep sending out emergency cigar care packages. The thought of being in lockdown with no cigars is too awful to contemplate.

In all seriousness, we would urge you to support your usual cigar stores and lounges, wherever they may be. The effect of this virus has been like nothing we’ve ever seen and stores and cigar places are paying for staff but seeing numbers of customers and orders plummet. That is obviously not sustainable.

Please do what you can to support those businesses you’ve always patronised, whether that’s by buying your usual stick or ordering up a cabinet of 50 Partagas Lusitanias.

Your Cigar Shop Needs You!

We look forward to continuing to serve you and to a time when we can enjoy your company again in the peace and tranquillity of better times.

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