Singin’ – And Smokin’ – In The Rain…

There’s nothing like a cigar on a rainy day. Despite the fact that in this sceptred isle, we get more than our fair share of the soggy stuff, we still feel put out when we throw back the curtains of a morning.
Zen And The Art Of The Cigar

There are so many things to love about a fine, handrolled cigar. Not least that they are always there for you – like a faithful hound – come rain or shine.
Rising of The Sap

Surely not…it can’t be! That large, pale yellow thing that hangs in the sky…is that SUN? If you’re like Sautter El Jeffe Laurence Davis, you’ll have seen it plenty this winter. He’s been jetsetting all over the world as usual, gathering a tan and enjoying a bewildering variety of large cigars along the way.

Remember your cigars are your friend – and not just something to do with your hands… If you want to really enjoy the cigar you’re smoking, take a tip from us. Don’t get drawn into the habit of it.
The Lowdown on Cuba’s Cigar Fest

So, it’s Festival time in Cuba. The Habanos Festival has long been a goal for cigar lovers worldwide, but not everyone can up sticks, pack a dinner jacket as well as beach shorts and mossie repellent and escape freezing February for the joys of sweltering Havana.
I’d like to try some aged cigars…

If this is you, then welcome to the club. We’d bet a pound to a penny that once you’ve sampled the delights of a well-aged Havana, you won’t look back.
All That Glisters is not Gold

Ooh, there’s a brand spanking new box of custard and ivory coloured smokes on the market! They’re a special, once-in-a-lifetime, first-come-first-served limited edition short run and by all accounts they’re selling out fast! Should I reach for the credit card?
Don The Safety Goggles, Light The Bunsen Burner – It’s Time to Experiment

There was a time when you had a cigar brand and you stuck to it. If you were a Montecristo man, Montecristo was all you smoked. There was a comforting rhythm to your everyday life – and your favoured cigar was another brick in the wall of your personality. A man knew where he stood when he had a favourite cigar and stuck to it.