Great Places to Smoke a Cigar
Great Places to Smoke a Cigar
Great Places to Smoke a Cigar

Great Places to Smoke a Cigar

ONCE you’re a confirmed cigarophile, you’re always on the lookout for somewhere to lay your hat that is respectful of the leaf.

Ask any travelling cigar man or woman and they’ll tell you straight; as soon as they know they are planning a trip somewhere specific, they’ll be hunting down the nearest and best cigar bar or lounge.

But it ain’t easy; in many places, cigar-friendly establishments are thin on the ground. In others, you know they’re there, but not how or when you can get to them. The internet has helped enormously, of course, but there’s still a void that needs filling, we reckon. And that’s why you’ll be delighted to hear that Great Places To Smoke A Cigar is upon us.

This is a new, luxurious, information packed compendium of the world’s top 100 spots in which to enjoy a fine cigar. It’s being compiled by Sautter owner Laurence Davis and author Nick Hammond – and it will transform your travelling.

Just 100 cigar spots across the globe are being selected for inclusion in this new cigar bible – from the most prestigious and swanky hotel terraces to the funkiest little cigar bar. Tucked away places, the bright lights of the strip, island resorts, mountain-top retreats; all the best places you know about – and some that you don’t.

We need your input to finish compiling this list. Laurence and Nick have been to an awful lot of cigar places; but even hedonists like them can’t keep track of every single one. So, we are recruiting you, the Sautter faithful, to help us fill in the gaps.

We want you to tell us of the great places you’ve had a cigar in, wherever they maybe in the world. Was it the ambience, the service, the walk-in humidor, the selection of cigars, the sheer novelty or because of the geographic location situation? Whatever the reason, we want to know why these places have stuck in your mind.

Great Places To Smoke A Cigar will feature a double page spread on every establishment selected – beautiful colour images and sparkling text written by the wordmaster, Nick Hammond, himself. You’ll have, at your fingertips, the ability to pinpoint where you’ll head to when you’re next in a key location – and find out where it is, when it opens, what it’s like and why you should go there. This will be an invaluable resource for all those of us who love and appreciate the peace, serenity, comradeship and inspiration a good cigar brings.

Spread the word – the more recommendations we get, the better. Check out www.greatplacesto.net and leave us a quick message with your recommendations.

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