Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire
Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire
Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire

Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire

Image credit by: Grammar Zone

OUT of one calamity and straight into another – seems to be the way of things these days, doesn’t it?

Just as Covid is pushed off the front page, Mr Putin decides he wants his 15 minutes and we’re back once again in the stormy seas of uncertainty.

If the horrors of war were not grim enough, the price of seemingly everything seems to be rising daily. Now we can’t claim cigars are exempt from price increases because they are most certainly not – but we can at least promise that a good smoke will make the rest of the world’s problems sink into the rear view mirror at least for a few precious minutes.

With this in mind, we’ve added some fantastic New World Sampler packs to the website which are superb value and offer a handpicked selection of sticks from across the cigarmaking world.

Our friend Nick Hammond has personally selected these cigars as representative of smokes from all cigar regions and he’s been kind enough to furnish each pack with short tasting notes for your enjoyment.

With Cuban cigars particularly thin on the ground at present, this is a great opportunity to discover what else is out there in the big wide world.

Travel undoubtedly broadens one’s mind and allows the chance to observe other cultures, people and places. Travelling became something of a longed-for privilege when countries began shutting their borders during the pandemic, so it was with a great sense of relief that some Sautter friends began exploring once again recently. Tomasz Sroka, Sautter’s own maestro from the Knightsbridge store, has been nipping back and forth to Cuba and is releasing a steady diet of fantastic videos from his travels. Nothing dissipates the gloom of a late Winter’s afternoon better than a spot of voyeuristic sun and Tomasz doesn’t let us down, wandering the streets of sun-splashed Havana, drinking cocktails in cool bars and lazing around on the beach smoking great cigars. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. Catch Tomasz’ videos going up on Sautter’s YouTube channel now.

The aforementioned Nick Hammond has swapped the Home Counties for Africa, and has sent some mini video cigar reviews from his safari travels which will soon be appearing on the Sautter website and/or social media.

So, even if you are not yet quite able to get out and about as much as you might like, you can rely on us to keep your spirits up in difficult times. Sautter owner Laurence Davis spends hours scouring his contacts book to continue to bring you as many great cigars from around the world as he can (admittedly, he wants to smoke quite a lot of them himself) and we recognise that we are an important part of your relaxation, de-stressing and mental wellbeing. We take that responsibility very seriously.

Come in and see us; join our Tuesday night Insta live from 6pm; book tickets for an event; give us a call. We look forward to serving you and playing our small part in getting you through another set of turbulent times.

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