A Cigar-Capped New Year

On behalf of the whole Sautter family, we’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Christmas Gongs

THE GOOSE is loosening its belt another notch; we’ve already been subject to incessant festive muzak for weeks on end; and the annual cigar shindig in Canary Wharf has come and gone in whirl of whisky, awards, glamour and gladhanding. It must be Christmas.
Santa Baby

I’VE done it. I’ve put on a Christmas song. A rousing live version Come Home For Christmas by Bon Jovi – from the Very Special Christmas Live album – is the first drop of Christmas cheer I’ve allowed to seep into my consciousness this year.
Shopping List

There are a few things one must not forget in the mad scramble that the end of the year inevitably becomes. These include a healthy stock of booze if you’re likely to be entertaining; an emergency supply of Christmas cards, in case someone brings you one unexpectedly or has slipped off the list and appears last minute…