Come On In, The Water’s Lovely!

Come On In, The Water's Lovely!

GOOD times come; good times go. The same can be said for bad times, for that matter. Find a man who’ll tell you he’s had nothing but good times all his life and you’ll have found either a liar, an idiot, or quite possibly both.

Sampling Galore

Sampling Galore...

DO you remember pick’n’ mix when you were a kid? When you could have a couple of mojos, a blackjack or three, the obligatory flying saucer, a white chocolate mouse, shoelaces, a flump, cola bottles and one of those hideous tasting bananas for just a few of your precious pocket money pennies.

An Affair to Remember

An Affair to Remember

WE’VE spoken of cigar events before – but let’s do so again. We have recently regained the ability to revel – responsibly – in person once more, and we urge you to do so with us; safely, securely and in very, very good company.

In Pursuit of the Perfect Pairing

In Pursuit of the Perfect Pairing

TORVILLE and Dean; Boycott and Edrich; fish and chips – cigars and ice cream? The alchemy of pairing your smokes with food and drink is yet another of the wonderfully layered aspects to our endless fascination with cigars.

Cigar Pairings

Cigar Pairings

There things that naturally go as well with cigars as fish does with chips or Lennon does with McCartney. Think cigars and Scotch, cigars and Cognac, cigars and coffee, cigars and celebrations. There are also things that may need a bit more shoehorning together, but nonetheless work. Ever tried a Cuban cigar with good vanilla ice cream, for instance? Amazing.

When do you like to smoke?

When do you like to smoke?

All day, every day? Once in a blue moon? Christmas special? When you’ve just had a baby? Everyone has a different perspective.

The Art of the Cigar – Part 1

The Art of the Cigar - Part 1

There’s an awful lot of crap spoken about cigars. About how you should and shouldn’t do things. About what rituals you’re supposed to observe and what’s good manners and what isn’t. Ignore it. Or at least most of it, anyway.

Why Cuban?

There are plenty of options for your hard-saved cigar money these days. So why should you splash the cash for Cuban? Read on…