What’s The Point of Regional Editions?
To the uninitiated, wave after wave of ‘Special Edition’, ‘Limited Edition’ and ‘Regional Edition’ Havana cigars leaves a confusing trail of names, places, numbers and sizes. What are all these new cigars?
Cigar Brethren
The cigar world is changing. You may not notice it much at the sharp end – where consumers buy and enjoy their cigars – but it’s changing nonetheless.
Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
Noise, noise, noise. Sometimes that’s all you can hear. But you can’t make anything sensible out of it; like an aural version of not being able to see the wood for the trees.
In Or Out?
Wait, wait, before you throw your screen through the window at yet another well-meaning attempt to decipher the unholy mess that is Brexit – we’re a cigar blog, remember?
Summer Smokes
The past weeks have been a blast from the past. Summers like these only existed when we were kids right? When teachers at school took pity on you on hot days and allowed you to work outside on the grass.
Video Nasties
It’s not very British to blow your own trumpet. In fact, it’s frowned upon, although maybe not quite so much as it once was. Today, after all, is the age of boasting what you’re up to on Instagram; having selfies with ‘celebs’; humble bragging about your charity work; making sure the world knows what you had for breakfast on Facebook. It’s enough to make one shudder.
Prince Of Smoke
Do you know Hirochi Robaina? Allow us to introduce you. Hirochi’s grandfather, Alejandro Robaina, was up there with the most famous cigar men ever. The Cuban tobacco farmer lived to a ripe old age (into his 90s) and had a simple existence, although the man was anything but.
The Inside Track
Insider information. When it comes to cigars, you both need it – and should be wary of it. The cigar scene isn’t as sniffy as wine. You will find it easier to circumnavigate, not as confusing and with a lot less bushy haired, red-trousered, braying public school devotees.