Catch The Fish, Not The Fisherman

Catch The Fish, Not The Fisherman

Being a cigar lover is a bit like being a fisherman – with the quarry being an elusive cigar rather than a shimmering trout. We could stretch the analogy to tortuous limits and tell you that clipping and torching your cigar is like tying your deadliest fly and making sure your rod, reel, line and hook are in fighting form.

Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall’s recent flying visit to Cuba caught the attention of cigar lovers in Sautter of Mount Street this week. Let’s face it – once you’re on the cigar bandwagon, any mention of Cuba within 300 yards is listened to and dissected with intense scrutiny.

If It Makes You Happy, It Can’t Be That Bad…

If It Makes You Happy, It Can't Be That Bad...

If there was one piece of cigar advice you should clutch close to your heart it’s this; there’s no such thing as right or wrong.Sure, there are etiquette issues and cigar manners – like don’t sniff, slurp, lick and squeeze a cigar before deciding you don’t want it and bunging it back on the shelf.

Quelle Heure Est-ils?

Quelle Heure Est-ils?

Spending a week away in Havana with El Jeffe got us thinking. Just like anything else in this wonderful, rich, varied existence we lead, people have their preferences, their idiosyncracies, their quirks and personalities.

Return From Havana

Return From Havana

Returning from any great holiday is a come-down, but heading home after a hedonistic week in Havana is a real bummer. We know because we’ve just done it.

Sautter and Sautter?

Sautter and Sautter?

Sautter Cigars is no advertising agency. Cigars is what we know. And cigars is what we do. But when you’re in the cigar business, you get to know an awful lot of people in an awful lot of professions. From movie stars to mechanics, Barristers to baristas, we have the lot as customers.

Chevy to The Levy

Chevy to The Levy

There’s the trill of schoolchildren mixing with the sound of traffic. Dappled sunlight filters through the swaying leaves of gargantuan overhead trees. And a pair of cigar enthusiasts are having the time of their lives.

The Queen of Havana

The Queen of Havana

The art of handrolling cigars is one that’s easy to become blasé about. Once you’ve been around the cigar world for a while, you will get the privilege of seeing rollers quite regularly. While the travelling Havana expert roller itinerary, which used to see the best rollers from the city’s factories come over to regularly to showcase their talents in the UK, has been defunct for several years, if you’re lucky enough to hit the Cuban cigar shops, you’ll come across a roller soon enough.