Look How Far We’ve Come

So much has changed in such a short space of time. It’s discombobulating, for sure, but it’s also strangely exciting; to see, for example, how nature has poured seamlessly back in to fill the void that we have left in public spaces.
Keep On Truckin’

So how are you faring, Sautter family? We are neck-deep in lockdown and with little sign yet of any glimmer of light at the end of a very dark, very dangerous tunnel.
A Night at the Theatre

I went to the theatre in town the other night. First time for far too long. I took my daughters and it was such a trauma organizing us all to be there at the right time, with tickets, in one piece, I began to wonder what on earth I had been thinking about. I felt punch drunk by mid-afternoon.
A Night to Remember

The sun didn’t steal the show, but it sure tried its hardest. In a dark corner of the Hyatt Regency Churchill hotel off London’s Portman Square, sat the real star of the evening.
When You Wish Upon A Star…

There’s something about the first faltering steps of Spring that set the heart soaring. The long, dark, night is coming to an end. There’s a bluish tint to the dawn, which means that although the halcyon days of hazy, lazy Summer afternoons is not close yet, it’s becoming more of a reality day by day.
Mood Food

Just like when you arrive at your favourite restaurant and first begin to peruse the menu du jour, there are times when certain cigars will call to you more than others.
Cigar Pairings

There things that naturally go as well with cigars as fish does with chips or Lennon does with McCartney. Think cigars and Scotch, cigars and Cognac, cigars and coffee, cigars and celebrations. There are also things that may need a bit more shoehorning together, but nonetheless work. Ever tried a Cuban cigar with good vanilla ice cream, for instance? Amazing.
It’s the year of the Ramon Allones – Ramon Allones, Club Allones Edicion Limitada in store now

Just a few months ago we witnessed the fastest selling Regional Edition cigar ever when the Ramon Allones 225 Anniversario cigars, especially made to celebrate the 225th anniversary of UK Habanos importer Hunters and Frankau, sold out in a couple of short weeks.