A Little Age

Crumbs. Another year rolls into Q4, as marketeers are so fond of calling it. It seems barely possible. The rest of the year has disappeared in a flash, we’ve won the cricket World Cup, lost the Ashes and here we are, on the cusp of mists and mellow
Fair City of Verona

One of the things about cigars which gives me great pleasure is the way they have become inextricably linked with my experiences, travels, the people I meet and the places I go.
Remove The Blinkers

Are there certain brands you don’t get on with? It would be unusual if their weren’t. As with all things in life, we have our predilections and prejudices, however well concealed they may be. I bet you a pound to a penny that while there are regular favourites in your smoking routine, there are also some fairly obvious candidates that never seem to make it.
Morning Cigar

Morning cigars are either something you know about or something you don’t. They could be described as being a bit ‘Marmite’; you love ‘em – or you hate ‘em. For some, nothing quite comes close to their first cigar of the day. To others, the thought is merely repulsive.
Old Dog, New Tricks

It’s never too late to change. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and to a large extent, it’s true. Let’s face it, getting El Jeffe, Laurence Davis, to switch from smoking behemoth cigars several times a day to partaking in a cigarillo every fortnight is a mission that’s doomed to failure.
Wisdom, Sagacity, Experience, Understanding

Among the many things that the cigar offers those who take the time to get to know it, is the wisdom that comes with a balanced view of the world.
Stop, Look and Listen

If you let it, the humble cigar has a lot to teach you. The simple, ritualistic, everyday action of selecting, lighting and smoking your chosen cigar can be taken allegorically, for example.
A Night to Remember

The sun didn’t steal the show, but it sure tried its hardest. In a dark corner of the Hyatt Regency Churchill hotel off London’s Portman Square, sat the real star of the evening.