What’s Your Beef?

What’s your biggest beef when it comes to cigars? While this blog is usually a paragon of hope, humour, optimism and happiness, we also realise that there are times when certain cigar things drive you mad.
Age Before Beauty

Have you ever experimented with laying down cigars? It’s accepted practice when it comes to wine – and indeed vintage cigars have a certain cachè as well as as an increase in later sale price if they’ve been kept well – but it is by no means an exact science, and most cigar smokers can only define it in broad terms.
In Answer To Your Question…

A cigar just does it for me. It really is as simple as that when it comes down to it, isn’t it? Sometimes you can find yourself justifying your love for the leaf over and over again; to your friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues – even, to be honest, to yourself.
Trends, Moods, Seasons And Cigars

It’s interesting to note how your flavour and palate leanings change over time, seasons, moods, trends and – who knows? – maybe the gravitational pull of the moon as well.
Catch The Fish, Not The Fisherman

Being a cigar lover is a bit like being a fisherman – with the quarry being an elusive cigar rather than a shimmering trout. We could stretch the analogy to tortuous limits and tell you that clipping and torching your cigar is like tying your deadliest fly and making sure your rod, reel, line and hook are in fighting form.
Royal Rumble

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall’s recent flying visit to Cuba caught the attention of cigar lovers in Sautter of Mount Street this week. Let’s face it – once you’re on the cigar bandwagon, any mention of Cuba within 300 yards is listened to and dissected with intense scrutiny.
When You Wish Upon A Star…

There’s something about the first faltering steps of Spring that set the heart soaring. The long, dark, night is coming to an end. There’s a bluish tint to the dawn, which means that although the halcyon days of hazy, lazy Summer afternoons is not close yet, it’s becoming more of a reality day by day.
If It Makes You Happy, It Can’t Be That Bad…

If there was one piece of cigar advice you should clutch close to your heart it’s this; there’s no such thing as right or wrong.Sure, there are etiquette issues and cigar manners – like don’t sniff, slurp, lick and squeeze a cigar before deciding you don’t want it and bunging it back on the shelf.