The Gift of Cigar Love

IF you’re looking for a little inspiration for your Winter break this year, allow us to offer a suggestion or three. We understand it can be difficult to see the wood for the trees when it comes to gifts, and for most of us, budget plays a big part in the final decisions.
Fill Your Stocking?

ONE doesn’t like to mention the fact too early, but it’s nearly that time again. Whatever your religious persuasion, there’s a good chance that you may take advantage of the majority of people gleefully whacking the Out of Office button and take some well-earned time off yourself at the end of the year.
Does Size Matter?

ACCORDING to Laurence Davis, size does matter. He would say that – he is undoubtedly a larger-than-life character and when it comes to cigars, the bigger the better, as far as he is concerned.
Social Butterfly

WE’VE discovered that post lockdown(s), everyone is up for a party. No great revelation that, one supposes, but it’s interesting nonetheless to see how much we rely on our social natures.
Come On In, The Water’s Lovely!

GOOD times come; good times go. The same can be said for bad times, for that matter. Find a man who’ll tell you he’s had nothing but good times all his life and you’ll have found either a liar, an idiot, or quite possibly both.
Sampling Galore

DO you remember pick’n’ mix when you were a kid? When you could have a couple of mojos, a blackjack or three, the obligatory flying saucer, a white chocolate mouse, shoelaces, a flump, cola bottles and one of those hideous tasting bananas for just a few of your precious pocket money pennies.
An Affair to Remember

WE’VE spoken of cigar events before – but let’s do so again. We have recently regained the ability to revel – responsibly – in person once more, and we urge you to do so with us; safely, securely and in very, very good company.
In Pursuit of the Perfect Pairing

TORVILLE and Dean; Boycott and Edrich; fish and chips – cigars and ice cream? The alchemy of pairing your smokes with food and drink is yet another of the wonderfully layered aspects to our endless fascination with cigars.