Protect Your Freedom of Choice: A Call to Action from Sautter Cigars

At Sautter Cigars, we have always been proud to serve a discerning community of cigar lovers who appreciate the rich heritage, craftsmanship, and enjoyment that fine cigars bring. However, the UK Government’s proposed Tobacco and Vapes Bill poses a significant threat to this time-honoured tradition and your freedom to enjoy it.
Winter Warmers

THE days are getting longer! The sun has miraculously appeared, if only for a moment or two through the silken mist! Hope hangs eternal like a patient kestrel, hovering over a hedgerow ditch; Winter cannot last forever.
Spotted: Sautter Cigars in “Meet The Neighbours” Series

We’re excited to share that Sautter of Mount Street is proudly featured in the latest Mount Street Neighbourhood campaign, “Meet The Neighbours,” as part of the Mount Street Neighbourhood Arts Festival running from 7th to 12th October.

SO – the new Labour Government’s most pressing concern is stopping a chap having a smoke with their pint in the pub garden? Interesting. At a time when the country is beset with problems, socially, economically, politically, racially – this is what you choose as one of your spearhead battle plans. Really?