Cigar Cafe

NICK HAMMOND delves deep to tell us what he feels is missing from London’s wonderful cigar store jigsaw puzzle…
Winds of Change

THERE is considerable turmoil in the cigar world right now. Change is something a lot of us fear, but it’s also one the certain thing in an uncertain world. Like it or not, change is coming.
Habanos World Days

SO, the annual Havana cigar shenanigans are over for another year, and despite the exorbitant prices of both cigars and tickets for the Gala Dinner in Havana, there appeared to be no shortages of sightseers, well-wishers, glad handers and Instagrammers.
Sautter Cigar Library – Regentes

NICK HAMMOND reports from a glittering launch party for the latest Cuban Limited Edition cab off the rank…
Nick Hammond On Safari – Kenya Pt I

I’D FORGOTTEN what it’s like to truly revel in the moment, if I’m honest. Over the last couple of years, my travelling muscles had atrophied to such an extent that I’d sort of forgotten how to do it. I made such a fuss about arranging my PCR test, packing a suitcase; I used to fly home one night sometimes and jump aboard another plane the next morning without thinking much of it.
Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire

OUT of one calamity and straight into another – seems to be the way of things these days, doesn’t it? Just as Covid is pushed off the front page, Mr Putin decides he wants his 15 minutes and we’re back once again in the stormy seas of uncertainty.
Seasonal Smoking

THERE was a time when a change of seasons brought about a slew of cigar articles on what smokes went with what particular time of year. Many of these had been pilfered, poached and pillaged to such a degree that they were a real magpie’s hoard of gold nuggets buried amidst an avalanche of flowery bullshit.
Something for Everyone

IT sometimes feels like the cigar industry is moving away from its foundations. Just like oysters – which were once the mainstay of London’s poor, providing cheap, nutritious food on the doorstep and are now the bastion of high-end restaurants – cigars are now seen in many quarters as the ultimate accessory; a benchmark of luxury and success that only the rich can afford to enjoy.