People In Cigars: Magali De La Cruz

FOR someone who has been intimately involved in London’s cigar scene for decades, Magali de la Cruz still shows a remarkable level of enthusiasm for the humble hand-rolled cigar. If you’ve ever been to Sautter of Mount Street, the chances are that you will have met, or at least seen – and more than likely, heard Mags.
How to Launch a Book

A whirlwind tour, a book launch, a tobacco tradeshow, a bad back and not much sleep – a diary of how (or maybe how not, who knows?) to launch a book.
A Little Age

Crumbs. Another year rolls into Q4, as marketeers are so fond of calling it. It seems barely possible. The rest of the year has disappeared in a flash, we’ve won the cricket World Cup, lost the Ashes and here we are, on the cusp of mists and mellow
Sautter and Sautter?

Sautter Cigars is no advertising agency. Cigars is what we know. And cigars is what we do. But when you’re in the cigar business, you get to know an awful lot of people in an awful lot of professions. From movie stars to mechanics, Barristers to baristas, we have the lot as customers.
The Queen of Havana

The art of handrolling cigars is one that’s easy to become blasé about. Once you’ve been around the cigar world for a while, you will get the privilege of seeing rollers quite regularly. While the travelling Havana expert roller itinerary, which used to see the best rollers from the city’s factories come over to regularly to showcase their talents in the UK, has been defunct for several years, if you’re lucky enough to hit the Cuban cigar shops, you’ll come across a roller soon enough.
The Old Man and The Cigar

There’s an old man who rolls cigars in a dilapidated barn on Hirochi Robaina’s finca. He’s now 83, and he’s been rolling cigars for more than half a century.
Havana Here We Come…

There are times in everybody’s calendar that world-weariness takes hold. It’s often around now, in the back-end of what has seemed an interminably long and grey-cloaked Winter.
Get In Training

It could be entitled ‘All You Ever Wanted To Know About Cigars, But Were Afraid To Ask.’ It isn’t. It’s just called Cigar Training. But Sautter is the only retailer in the UK which offers it. And it’s a great way to learn about cigars.