People In Cigars: Magali De La Cruz
FOR someone who has been intimately involved in London’s cigar scene for decades, Magali de la Cruz still shows a remarkable level of enthusiasm for the humble hand-rolled cigar. If you’ve ever been to Sautter of Mount Street, the chances are that you will have met, or at least seen – and more than likely, heard Mags.
How to Launch a Book
A whirlwind tour, a book launch, a tobacco tradeshow, a bad back and not much sleep – a diary of how (or maybe how not, who knows?) to launch a book.
Cigar Pairings
There things that naturally go as well with cigars as fish does with chips or Lennon does with McCartney. Think cigars and Scotch, cigars and Cognac, cigars and coffee, cigars and celebrations. There are also things that may need a bit more shoehorning together, but nonetheless work. Ever tried a Cuban cigar with good vanilla ice cream, for instance? Amazing.