Come On In, The Water’s Lovely

A bright, shining, spanking New Year, with all the optimism, purposefulness – and angst – that goes with it. We at Sautter’s believe there’s a firm middle ground to be taken in most things which will keep your equanimity and also ensure you don’t turn into a rabid attack dog – which admittedly sometimes feels like it’s the only way to get heard these days.
Remember, Remember

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness is well and truly upon us and as misguided adults and pyrotechnic kids spark up fireworks for the next couple of weeks, one can’t but wonder whether Mr Fawkes and his gang might have been onto something all those years ago.
Remove The Blinkers

Are there certain brands you don’t get on with? It would be unusual if their weren’t. As with all things in life, we have our predilections and prejudices, however well concealed they may be. I bet you a pound to a penny that while there are regular favourites in your smoking routine, there are also some fairly obvious candidates that never seem to make it.
Morning Cigar

Morning cigars are either something you know about or something you don’t. They could be described as being a bit ‘Marmite’; you love ‘em – or you hate ‘em. For some, nothing quite comes close to their first cigar of the day. To others, the thought is merely repulsive.
Trends, Moods, Seasons And Cigars

It’s interesting to note how your flavour and palate leanings change over time, seasons, moods, trends and – who knows? – maybe the gravitational pull of the moon as well.
Quelle Heure Est-ils?

Spending a week away in Havana with El Jeffe got us thinking. Just like anything else in this wonderful, rich, varied existence we lead, people have their preferences, their idiosyncracies, their quirks and personalities.
The Best Laid Plans

Are you one of those who takes great delight in planning your time off – trying, wherever possible to fit cigars into your schedule? Plenty do. If you’re going on holiday, you’ll be planning what you might like to smoke and when long before the situation arises.
Big ‘uns and little ‘uns

If you’re a regular at Sautter, you’ll probably understand that thinner is not always a winner here.
Most of our regulars – and El Jeffe himself, of course – favour large cigars. In some cases, very large cigars. As an example, take a look at our sneak peek video of the monster Super Mario; a 60 Ring Gauge by 101mm titan (it’s rolled exclusively for us in Cuba) on the Sautter YouTube channel.