Sautter Samaroli Develter Launch

AN INFECTIOUS Cuban lilt, fine Champagne, incredible pieces of art, the first presentation of some stunning spirits – and yes, of course, a humidor of hand-rolled cigars.
Sautter launches new collaboration with international drinks specialist, artist and global photographer

A STUNNING collection of four new Sautter exclusive bottlings is set to launch this week with an auspicious gallery gathering in London. The ‘Holy Trinity’ collaboration is between, Sautter, Italian-based, international spirits specialists, Samaroli, and renowned global artist, Christian Develter. Featuring stunning labels from Develter’s inspired portfolio and showcasing incredible expressions of both rum […]
Sautter and Sautter?

Sautter Cigars is no advertising agency. Cigars is what we know. And cigars is what we do. But when you’re in the cigar business, you get to know an awful lot of people in an awful lot of professions. From movie stars to mechanics, Barristers to baristas, we have the lot as customers.