Come On In, The Water’s Lovely

A bright, shining, spanking New Year, with all the optimism, purposefulness – and angst – that goes with it. We at Sautter’s believe there’s a firm middle ground to be taken in most things which will keep your equanimity and also ensure you don’t turn into a rabid attack dog – which admittedly sometimes feels like it’s the only way to get heard these days.
Shopping List

There are a few things one must not forget in the mad scramble that the end of the year inevitably becomes. These include a healthy stock of booze if you’re likely to be entertaining; an emergency supply of Christmas cards, in case someone brings you one unexpectedly or has slipped off the list and appears last minute…
Christmas is Coming and The Goose is Getting Fat

In true Laurence Davis style, though, he’s doing the exact opposite. In the last six months, El Jeffe has lost a massive amount of weight – something in excess of eight stone – and looks quite simply a different man.
Ho, Ho, Hope?

Oh Lordy, it’s that time again. What on earth am I going to get the man or woman who has everything? Christmas comes but once a year, so they say, although it feels more like twice or thrice by the time December 25 finally rolls round, such is the brouhaha served up in the previous couple of months.
Give Them an Inch

The trouble with getting repeatedly shouted down is that, after a while, you’re glad when someone lets you talk normally. As cigar smokers, we’ve been lumped in with the cigarette mob for as long as we can remember.
Do You Ever Get Bored of Cigars?

If you do enough of most things, you can get sick to bloody death of them, but the strange thing we’ve found about cigars – or rather, one of the strange things we’ve found about cigars – is that we never seem to tire of them.
Remember, Remember

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness is well and truly upon us and as misguided adults and pyrotechnic kids spark up fireworks for the next couple of weeks, one can’t but wonder whether Mr Fawkes and his gang might have been onto something all those years ago.
Keeping up with the Jones’s

Keeping up with the Jones’s is a mug’s game. Even if you’re as rich as Croesus, there’ll be someone, somewhere, who’s richer. The purpose of money is to help smooth your way through life and make your existence more pleasant.