Old Dog, New Tricks

It’s never too late to change. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and to a large extent, it’s true. Let’s face it, getting El Jeffe, Laurence Davis, to switch from smoking behemoth cigars several times a day to partaking in a cigarillo every fortnight is a mission that’s doomed to failure.
Wisdom, Sagacity, Experience, Understanding

Among the many things that the cigar offers those who take the time to get to know it, is the wisdom that comes with a balanced view of the world.
Stop, Look and Listen

If you let it, the humble cigar has a lot to teach you. The simple, ritualistic, everyday action of selecting, lighting and smoking your chosen cigar can be taken allegorically, for example.
A Night to Remember

The sun didn’t steal the show, but it sure tried its hardest. In a dark corner of the Hyatt Regency Churchill hotel off London’s Portman Square, sat the real star of the evening.
Barbecue Bolivar?

Ah, the acrid waft of smouldering lighter fluid; the unmistakable crunch of carbonized pork products; the worryingly soft texture of undercooked chicken. Yes folks, barbecue weather is finally upon us.
Labour of Love

If you love cigars, you may or may not also love the myriad of accessories that go with them. From cutters to lighters, travel pouches to carrying tubes, humidors, ashtrays, stands – you name it, you can buy it.
Damned Odd Place to Smoke a Cigar…

So, a cigar has been carried to (if not smoked at) the top of the world. Some stunt. Ukrainian-Cypriot Yevgen Staroselskiy – in conjunction with Phoenicia Trading AA, Habanos importers for the Middle East – toted a box of Saint Luis Rey Herfing Exclusivo Medio Oriente right to the top of Mount Everest and was pictured proudly displaying the Duke sized cigars on the roof of the world.
The Hamster Ratings

The Hamster Ratings are a mark of tongue in cheek respect from none other than Nick Hammond, master wordsmith and doyen of the Good Life.