Dinner is Served

Have you ever been to a cigar dinner? They pop up every now and then and are, in general, an opportunity to be leapt upon as the wolf falls upon the lamb. The chance to gather with an intimate number of like-minded folk and indulge in an orgy of the senses is something to be savoured.
Cigar Yoga

Sometimes the world gets on top of you. There’s always something to feel bad about, right? If you were Neolithic man, it was finding enough to eat and turn into the latest haute couture.
A Match Made in Heaven

Christmas is the perfect time to meet your match. It’s a time of reflection and contemplation and the very pinnacle of cigar smoking enjoyment. Even Scrooge would look miserly if he moaned about your Christmas stogie.
Give to Get

Cigar people are among the most generous you’ll ever meet. As soon as cigar folks meet up – for the first time, or for the umpteenth – usually the first thing they do is reach for a cigar to give to the other.
The Best Laid Plans

Are you one of those who takes great delight in planning your time off – trying, wherever possible to fit cigars into your schedule? Plenty do. If you’re going on holiday, you’ll be planning what you might like to smoke and when long before the situation arises.
How Many is Too Many?

How big is your cigar ‘collection?’ Is it really a collection? If it were wine, it would be a ‘cellar’. If it were books, a library. A collection of cigars then, is perhaps a humidor – or more romantically, perhaps a Keep, Vault or Cave?
It’s That Wonderful Time Of The Year…

Let us be the first to get this out of the way. It’s too early to be bandering around the C word, so we’ll use the term ‘festive giftbuying’ instead.
Manners Maketh The Man

A man may grow up physically, but it’s an unfortunate truth that his mind may be left in the playground. One doesn’t have to look too far in the world political scene to find some fine examples of this phenomena in positions of great power and influence.