Cigar Brethren
The cigar world is changing. You may not notice it much at the sharp end – where consumers buy and enjoy their cigars – but it’s changing nonetheless.
Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
Noise, noise, noise. Sometimes that’s all you can hear. But you can’t make anything sensible out of it; like an aural version of not being able to see the wood for the trees.
In Or Out?
Wait, wait, before you throw your screen through the window at yet another well-meaning attempt to decipher the unholy mess that is Brexit – we’re a cigar blog, remember?
When do you like to smoke?
All day, every day? Once in a blue moon? Christmas special? When you’ve just had a baby? Everyone has a different perspective.
The Art of the Cigar – Part 1
There’s an awful lot of crap spoken about cigars. About how you should and shouldn’t do things. About what rituals you’re supposed to observe and what’s good manners and what isn’t. Ignore it. Or at least most of it, anyway.
Why Cuban?
There are plenty of options for your hard-saved cigar money these days. So why should you splash the cash for Cuban? Read on…
A history lesson
A little cigar knowledge goes a long way – and gives you a greater enjoyment of your smoke.
The Sautter Cigar Training Course IS BACK!
Our popular Cuban cigar training course begins again on Saturday March 11th. The course will take place monthly at our Knightsbridge, London store and will be hosted by our very own Cuban beauty – Magali de la Cruz.