Protect Your Freedom of Choice: A Call to Action from Sautter Cigars
At Sautter Cigars, we have always been proud to serve a discerning community of cigar lovers who appreciate the rich heritage, craftsmanship, and enjoyment that fine cigars bring. However, the UK Government’s proposed Tobacco and Vapes Bill poses a significant threat to this time-honoured tradition and your freedom to enjoy it.
Winter Warmers
THE days are getting longer! The sun has miraculously appeared, if only for a moment or two through the silken mist! Hope hangs eternal like a patient kestrel, hovering over a hedgerow ditch; Winter cannot last forever.
Myths & Legends About The Lurgy
When does the scaremongering end and the truth begin? Should we laugh off this latest attack on our mortality, maintain decent hygiene as a matter of course and get on with our lives, or lock the doors, hunker down with a good supply of food and medicines and twitch the net curtain while riding things out?
Aback, Much Woe, Cigars in The Snow
For the first time this Winter, it snowed this morning. Not the wonderful thick, dry, blanket of snow that one remembers from childhood, which threw a shroud over the land in a couple of hours and transformed a boring daily routine into a scene from a magical movie.